SHE SWEATS: I love SLT. SLT is one of my favorite studios in NYC and I really can’t believe that there aren’t more guys that take classes here because it’s such a good, hard workout. I am sore for days after I take a class and I truly feel that I’ve become a lot stronger since I starting going to SLT. I had never been to a class with Jamie so I jumped at the chance to go with HE to a class with her and now I’m almost upset with myself for not trying one of her classes sooner! As I said, I’m usually sore for days after, but Jamie took things to a whole new level. I had to take a cab to work the next day because the thought of walking down stairs to the subway made me want to cry (in a good way)! I can’t wait to take Jamie again – good recommendation He Sweats!
HE SWEATS: I find it rather fascinating that I’m usually the only guy in the SLT classes I attend. It’s one of the better workouts in the city. I sweat like crazy. My arms shake a quarter of the way into plank series and Jamie Lugo is a stunner to say the least. I’ve been doing SLT Megaformer classes for about a year now trying my best to get there once or twice a month. I tend to look around the room trying to match the squats of my counterparts. I like the addition of weights to the leg movements as it gives me something to focus on while I try not to lose my balance. I believe I did in fact almost fall off as Jamie yelled out a “Great Save” in front of the rest of the class. It was nice that SHE admitted to me that it was one of the hardest classes she has taken yet. HE sure knows what he is talking about!